duminică, 10 ianuarie 2010

Read and weep

So, I've been thinking a lot lately about all those people that take pleasure in offending me and my work and trashing me down just because they don't have the balls to create something. So, this is to all the dickheads that think what I write is total crap, though, they did't understand a word of it and want me to stop writing. Here it is dikcheads, boys and girls, gentlemen or ladies, no matter of the age or social status :

1. There is only one final judge of a writing. And that is the writer
2. If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise don't even start. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives, jobs. And maybe your mind. It could mean not eating for three or four days. It could mean freezing on a park bench. It could mean jail. It could mean derision. It could mean mockery, isolation. Isolation is the gift. All the others are a test of your endurance. Of how much you really want to do it. And you'll do it, despite rejection in the worst odds. And it will be better than anything else you can imagine. If you're going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods. And the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It's the only good fight there is.
(Charles Bukowski - Factotum)

These are the words of the great american writer Charles Bukowski.

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